The Qualified Program Participant Company (QPPC) - Test Services Program is available to companies that are Test Services Companies.
The Annual Program Fee for the QPPC - Test Services program is $2,000 US.
Please follow the links below to access detailed information regarding Membership Requirements, application documents, and application process instructions and timeline.
- QPPC - Test Services Requirements
- IDEA QPPC Code of Ethics
- QPPC - Test Services Application and Determination Process
- QPPC - Test Services Application Document Packet
- Company must be in business for at least five (5) years or be owned by a parent company that has been in business for at least five (5) years.
- Company must AS9100 (Revision C or newer) certified by a registrar who is accredited by a certifying body who is an Accreditation Body Member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) or certified to an equivalent certification as determined by IDEA Staff.
- Company must be certified to ANSI/ESD S20.20 by an ESDA Accredited Certification Body, IEC 61340-5-1, or equivalent as determined by IDEA.
- Company must provide objective evidence via a copy of documentation from its certified Quality Management System (QMS) (i.e., Quality Manual, procedures, and instructions) that IDEA-STD-1010 is part of the company's inspection program and documented as such in their QMS.
- Company must provide objective evidence via a copy of documentation from its certified QMS (i.e., Quality Manual) that a Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) management program for the identification and handling of MSL product is established, including the training of personnel, and is documented as such in their QMS.
- Company must provide objective evidence that it clearly states the following in any solicitation of services, quotes, statements of work, invoices, and test reports:
- The clear distinction between functional tests, parametric tests, and counterfeit detection services.
- Clarification of what constitutes its counterfeit detection services.
- A successful functionality test does not conclusively guarantee authenticity.
- Company must provide a copy of its standard quote and/or test form that includes the following information:
- Quote date
- Identification of the specific part(s) that shall be tested.
- Part number
- Part manufacturer
- Quantity to be tested
- Date code(s) and/or lot code(s) (as applicable)
- List of the specific test(s) that shall be performed on the identified part(s).
- Include type of test(s) (electrical, counterfeit detection, or both)
- Include testing temperatures and conditions where applicable
- If testing to a specification or a datasheet, the specific parameters tested should be listed or exceptions identified. A list of specific result(s) shall also be obtained from the specific test(s) performed.
- For all independent distributor customers and at the completion of test development, a data log of one tested device shall be provided to prove what was tested matches the quoted parameters.
- Parameters of tests that are not identified on the data log should be clarified in a description provided by the test lab.
- Price
- Completion date
- Any deviation from the Company's policy and its standard terms and conditions
- Length of period of time the quote is valid
- Company must complete at least one IDEA-ICE-3000 Inspector Certification for each ship-to-customer location. Thereafter, the certification is non-transferable and may not be advertised by the third party. Upon approval of Qualified Program Participant status by the Membership and Ethics Oversight (M&EO) Committee, a new Qualified Program Participant Company (QPPC) has forty-five (45) days to attain at least one Inspector Certification for each ship-to-customer location in order to be approved as an IDEA QPPC.
- Company must provide objective evidence confirming possession of all minimum equipment required per the Equipment and Tools table in IDEA-STD-1010. Please include equipment list, quantity, and photos of at least one (1) of each item required.
- The Company's IDEA Representative must be a member of Executive Management in the Company as approved by IDEA Staff.
- Company must agree to abide by the IDEA QPPC Code of Ethics through signature by the designated IDEA Representative and circulate it once a year to IDEA-ICE-3000 Certified Inspectors.
- Company must agree to abide by the IDEA QPPC Manual through signature by the designated IDEA Representative.
- Company must fulfill a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of contribution to IDEA activities per year to maintain QPPC status.
- Company and any equity holders that hold in excess of 20% of shares or company officer(s) must pass a thorough background check and shall not have a criminal record involving conduct relevant to the Industry or postings on public places that could reasonable be expected to embarrass IDEA or cause harm to IDEA or its Members' brands and images.
- Company cannot operate out of a residential structure or shipping services address.
- Company may not use multiple aliases without acceptable explanation as determined by IDEA.
- Company may not use multiple aliases without acceptable explanation as determined by IDEA.
- Company must provide its state and municipal business licenses and certificates of "Good Standing."
- Company must submit information about any ERAI and GIDEP reports that have been filed on the Company within four (4) years prior to applying to become an IDEA QPPC or while an IDEA QPPC.
- Company cannot appear on any of the following lists found on the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security website within four (4) years prior to applying to become an IDEA QPPC or while an IDEA QPPC:
- The EPLS Government listing*
- The Denied Persons List**
- The Unverified List**
- The Entity List**
- The Specially Designated Nationals List**
- The Debarred List**
- The Nonproliferation Sanctions List**
- Company, company owners, employees, and common principals shall not generate revenue or profit solely as a result of component purchasing services and/or trading or brokering.
- Company, company owners, employees, and common principals shall not be owned (in part or in total) by a distributor (broker) and/or shall not have ownership of a distributor (broker).
- Company must not have any unresolved issues the the M&EO Committee considers inconsistent with IDEA's mission and QPPC Code of Ethics. Such issues include, but are not limited to, credit or nonsufficient funds issues, counterfeit parts issues, or poor business practices. A the M&EO Committee's discretion, any unresolved issues may require a written explanation followed by a subsequent review by the M&EO Committee.
- Company must provide three (3) government, medical, automotive, or aviation OEM references, three (3) independent distribution references, at least one (1) of which must be an IDEA Member; and three (3) supplier references.
- Company shall agree to an annual audit of test records to be included in the annual QPPC renewal process. The audit shall be conducted as a desktop or paper audit. This audit ensures that the tests performed match the tests quoted to the end customer and that the requirements by the end customer for testing were completed. If the customer required testing that was not performed, documented evidence of the customer's approval must be available. The data log shall be compared to the customer specification as well as to the test program. Note: All IDEA QPPCs and Applicants shall agree to be subject to an onsite compliance verification audit by IDEA Staff or their contracted services at the discretion of the IDEA Executive Director.
- Various items of objective evidence as requested by IDEA are listed in the IDEA QPPC Application Requirements Compliance Checklist to evaluate conformance with the above requirements.
Approval of IDEA QPPC status will only be granted if the applicant has been found to meet the above requirements, as demonstrated by at least a supermajority (75%) vote of the M&EO Committee after reviewing or receiving a report of the Applicant's compliance with the above requirements.
Qualified Program Participant Company (QPPC) status in the Independent Distributors of Electronics Association (referred to below as IDEA, or the Association) is a privilege extended to those organizations who meet the eligibility requirements, and is not a right. QPPC status may be continued unless the Membership and Ethics Oversight (M&EO) Committee determines that the conduct of a QPPC has been such, that in the best interests of IDEA, the QPPC should be suspended or their QPPC status terminated.
This Code of Ethics has been duly adopted by the Board of Trustees under the authority vested in it by the IDEA Bylaws.
- The QPPC will support and acknowledges that it is subject to the IDEA Bylaws, as from time to time amended, and all such resolutions, and policies as may from time to time be established or adopted by the Board of Trustees of IDEA.
- The QPPC will conduct commerce in a moral and ethical manner so as to bring no discredit to IDEA, nor to diminish the prestige of Membership and other QPPCs therein. The QPPC will make commercially reasonable efforts to ensure all of its employees and representatives will conduct themselves in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws. Any act or behavior that is deemed to be in violation of QPPC program standards, upon review of the M&EO Committee, may result in QPPC status termination under such rules relating to termination as may from time to time be in force.
- The QPPC will employ commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that all products it sells have clear title, are free of liens, and conform to all applicable IDEA Standards that are then in force.
- The QPPC will not knowingly misrepresent services. The QPPC will employ commercially reasonable efforts, and in any event not less than such efforts as may from time to time be required under all IDEA Standards then in force, to ensure truth in advertising.
- The QPPC will give advice to its clientele in the course of its business operations to the best of its ability.
- The QPPC will only use the IDEA QPPC Logo(s) in accordance with the Association’s Trademark Usage Policy for the IDEA QPPC Logo.
- If a QPPC is found to have breached this Code, that fact may be disclosed to the public.
- If a Formal Inquiry (as defined in form number IDEA-1002) is filed against a QPPC, resignation will not preclude the completion of the Formal Inquiry Process by the M&EO Committee if it elects to continue such process and the publication of the results of its investigation, and the QPPC shall continue to cooperate in the conduct of that process until its completion.
Approved by the Membership and Ethics Oversight Committee on February 12, 2014.
The IDEA Qualified Program Participant Company (QPPC) Application and Determination Process requires all Applicants to prepare a comprehensive application packet with supplementary documentation that demonstrates compliance with all of the stated requirements. The Applicant must be aware that the application process is very extensive and shall require a significant amount of time to complete and that the Applicant must conduct a thorough review of the application prior to submission. The Applicant is responsible for submitting a complete application that contains all items listed in the QPPC - Test Services Application Requirements Compliance Checklist.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. If an application is submitted with missing requirements/items, IDEA Staff will return the application. The Applicant is required to wait thirty (30) days before resubmitting the application. The Applicant may only resubmit an application one (1) additional time after initial submission. If the application is not complete in the resubmission, IDEA Staff will inform the Applicant that the application is closed. The Applicant must wait twelve (12) months from the date of notification to submit a new application for QPPC status.
There are certain prerequisites that the Applicant must meet prior to submitting the application. In the Application Preparation Phase, the Applicant must complete the following:
- Download and complete the QPPC - Test Services Application Packet
- Download and read the IDEA QPPC - Test Services Manual
After the submission of a complete application, the Applicant can expect the following timeline for each process phase if there are no issues that occur throughout the process:
- Phase 1: Initial Application Submission - ~4-8 weeks
- Phase 2: Membership and Ethics Oversight Committee Review and Vote - ~2-8 weeks (depending on meeting schedule)
- Phase 3: IDEA-ICE-3000 Inspector Certification - ~within forty-five (45) days of conditional QPPC Approval
- Phase 4: QPPC Status Granted - ~2-4 weeks
Please reference the complete Process Outline of the QPPC - Test Services Application and Determination Process in the IDEA QPPC - Test Services Manual.
The IDEA QPPC - Test Services Application Packet may be downloaded by following the links below.
All documents included in the QPPC - Test Services Application Document Package below must be completed and submitted in accordance with the Application Instructions.
NOTE: Incomplete applications will not be accepted. If an application is submitted with missing requirements/items, IDEA Staff will return the application. The Applicant is required to wait thirty (30) days before resubmitting the application. The Applicant may only resubmit an application one (1) additional time after initial submission. If the application is not complete in the resubmission, IDEA Staff will inform the Applicant that the application is closed. The Applicant must wait twelve (12) months from the date of notification to submit a new application for QPPC status.