The Independent Distributors of Electronics Association (IDEA) - American Electronic Resource, Inc.



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Wednesday, 07 October 2015 09:39

American Electronic Resource, Inc.

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“We are a member of every organization and every search engine related to electronic components and there is no other group of distributors, than those which are part of the IDEA group, that can be trusted to deliver quality parts every time. All of the other industry organizations allow membership based on limited qualifications. IDEA is the only organization which has strict guidelines for membership and are constantly creating new ways to make their members better. Our adoption of the IDEA-STD-1010A standard and certification of our QC department to the IDEA-ICE-3000 has helped us tremendously in the fight against the counterfeit dilemma. If you want to be sure to get quality electronic components stick with the list of distributors at”

Robb Hammond
Read 4439 times Last modified on Wednesday, 07 October 2015 09:53
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